Basic Git Workflow

 · 1 min read


Basic Git Workflow

1) Get repository from remote:

git clone {link}

2) Create local branch:

git checkout -b {branch name}

3) Add branch to remote repository:

git push origin {branch name}

4) Add files to local branch:

git add .

5) Save locally the added files:

git commit -m {"commit description"}

6) Send updates to remote repository:

git push origin {branch name}

From there onward to keep adding updates from local branch to master:

git checkout -b {branch name}
git add .
git commit -m {"commit description"}
git push origin {branch name}

To add branch updates from local branch to master, do git checkout master and then git merge {branch name}.

To get updates from remote to your branch, use git pull origin {branch name}. If the local repository is not updated with all the branches created on remote need first to use git fetch origin.


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